Thursday, September 30, 2010


It was on our way back from New York when we realized something wasn't right. Our Senior class of 2014 began yelling and scream for their lives as the plane began to loose control. Sitting in my seat i screamed "Everybody put on your seat belts!" watery eyed everybody looked at me and began to panic, as Clay-Del & Trey ran to the front of the plane you could hear them ask the pilot "Do you have any parachutes?" with no time to think at all they ran to the back of the plane and grabbed every parachute there was, Handing them out to everybody we counted to 3 jumping and screaming bloody murder, As Mayra and i waited 4 the pilot, he began to have doubts about leaving his plane. With no ands, ifs, or buts we grabbed the pilot & Jumped. screaming we watched the plane crash into a building, thanking god that everybody was okay.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

If i could go back in time.. :)

If i could go back in time, i would go back to the ice age period. I love cold weather and i would like to see all the other different animals that were living in that time period like the cyber tooth tiger and the sloths.
If i had a chance to bring anybody to go back to that time period i think i would take helen because she would be the one screaming trying to run away from all the animals including the little piglets..

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Dream Day!* :)

My most perfect day would be a quiet afternoon, with my friends and family. Playing games and talking to each other. One of the things i would like to do on a quiet day is hang out with everybody i enjoy to be around like Helen, Valerie, Mayra and lots of other people. Enjoying the sun In South Padre Island staring at the soothing water, hearing the sea gulls and feeling the sand on the bottom of your feet.