Thursday, September 29, 2011

Music Music Music! (:

1."The kind of music i enjoy is Up beat country or up beat R&B"2.My favorite country artist would be Carrie Underwood and my favorite R&B artist would be Nikki Minaj!3. My favorite all time song is Amen! by Eden's Edge(: 
4. My least favorite song is handle bars and my least favorite artist is The Flobots 5. My parents listen to Spanish music. I approve sometimes but other times i don't because they sing to fast for me to understand it. My parents approve of some of my music but not all of it because they say its way to fast to listen to.(:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Have we gone insane?

In today's Society, it's like we have no morals, back then when we were little we used to watch shows like the Power Puff Girls, and  The Power Rangers. They were shows that any child could watch because they were just innocent shows made just for children. Sponge bob on the other hand is ridiculous. Just think of how many horrible things you see on Tv now a days!. You see sex, drugs, alcohol and you hear vulgar language! Don't get me wrong i love Sponge Bob but i don't think it's right for little kids to watch it because it has words that are way more mature then you'd ever expect, they might not notice it now but once they grow up they will understand the true meaning of it all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

&& We're Still Standing! :)

Its been 10 years since the 9-11 happened and although they killed a lot of people, Some people never lost hope. I put this picture on my blog because it represents how many people took their time to put up these flags and much honor our country has for all the people who died in the horrible tragedy.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Favorite Activities(:❤

The very best activity i enjoy to do is band. I enjoy to do band because you get to play music, hang out with friends, and watch the foot ball game all at the same time. I wasn't very interested in band at first but i gave it a chance and i actually liked it. The 2nd activity i like to do is ride around with friends and have a good time and enjoy life while i can. Last but not least i enjoy to travel!, i love being in the car, and traveling for endless hours. It gives you the chance to see new places and enjoy the different weather. (:

Friday, September 2, 2011

1st week & im ready for it to be over.. (:

The 1st day of school was a drag, I no longer have fun classes and it seems like I don't ever see anyone anymore. Since school started I've had homework everyday! and it seems like these class periods drag on and on. Getting to see my friends at school is okay but I'd rather have the same classes I had last year because my classes were so fun! especially Mrs.Waters English class. When I was in Mrs. Waters class I always looked forward to that class period because we could be who we were and just have fun and learn at the same time.