Wednesday, November 16, 2011

70's! :)

If I could go back into any era, I would go back to the 70's! I would go love to go back to that era because they had a lot of fun, and when they got into trouble it seemed like nobody cared because everybody seemed like they just wanted nothing but peace. I also loved the way they dressed in hip hiphuggers and long sleeved shirts with tie dye. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Death in the air!

We were out there so far away to get away to have fun and fish and just kill time. While the whales tried to eat us, the only thing that was going through my mind was adrenaline as everything was happening.
I wasn't worried, but Helen and Mayra were freaking out screaming "I don't wanna Die!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

My super Power! :)

If my best friend was in prison, I would go visit her and give her a spoon and tell her to dig her way out of there..hahaha just kidding. If my bestfriend was in prison for something she didn't do I would use my invisibility powers to shut off all the lights, and unlock the cell so she could get out! and then drive away in my invisible car, using my shield power to block my friend from any bullets when they try to shoot at us. (: