Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why do older women wear such tight clothes?

To some old women, the tighter your clothes the nicer you look, but in reality the tighter the nastier. Now a days the looser your outfit the nicer you look. But old people think way differently than we do, Ever since younger people started wearing bigger clothes old woman started thinking they'd look better with tighter ones. my point is, wear clothes that fit your body not clothes that is as tight as your skin. hahaha

Friday, May 4, 2012

My dream room! :)

If I got a dream room I would want it to be huge with a aquarium build in the wall to the left and with a huge flat screen tv and computer on the right wall, with bright accent colors all around, and mirrors everywhere. I would never leave my dream room if my room was exactly how I wanted it.

When less is more.

The only time i have ever really think of less is more is when i complain about wanting something to my parents, They always tell me the less i have the more grateful i become when i get it because i will take care of it and not mistreat it. Having less stuff then alot of stuff gives you the opportunity to learn not always to get your way, whenever you try to be a brat.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My parents! :)

I am pretty sure that my parents were very active during their school years, they used to live in the stone age so of course they were in shape. My mom went to school till the beginning of her senior year, and my dad well of course he went to school in Mexico, but they made something of themselves. and no matter what I'm extremely proud of them for taking care of me. I'm more than positive that my parents were everywhere! they were probley out till the crack of dawn!.

Monday, April 9, 2012

You wont believe this! :)

Read this and tell me you don't think this is the sweetest thing ever!. Getting a free trip to see Lady Antebellum will be the once in a life time chance for students who lost their school due to a tornado.
They will never forget what awesome experience they will have. LADY ANTEBELLUM

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My top 3 things

My all time favorite book would have to be the Hunger Games, it is such a good book, that every student should read. My favorite song would have to be Right Here by Staind, it has been my favorite song since the 8th grade. My Favorite Movie is Gracie's Choice. its a emotional movie about a girl who takes on the responsibility of taking care of her brothers because her mother is a dead beat. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Hunger Games! :)

Dear Coach Ashmore.

I would love to have the opportunity to go watch the Hunger Game Movie during Mrs. Water's class, since we have read the book as a class. Most of us students have become so addicted to The Hunger Games that we've read all three books. Giving us the opportunity to go watch the movie will open up many doors to learning and reading more during our English class. Please Let us go watch it :))

Carla Arreola

Friday, March 9, 2012

See you when i see you!

Dear, Jordan.
You are one of the coolest white girls i know. You and Dakota always make me laugh in History, and i'm gonna especially miss thoughs times we scared you while you had movie night!, Don't worry though, We plan on making a trip to go see you once we all get our licenses! You will never be forgotten! && We will always think of you!
-Carla Arreola<3

Monday, March 5, 2012

who i look up to the most! :)

Reading -8
Short Answers-3
Revising and Editing-10
Overall Test Score -pass

Friday, March 2, 2012

My Friends are Beast! :)

This is not what it looks like, it was a funn night that I will always remember. It was the weekend of the first week of school and of course Natalie Valerie and I were bored as could be. We were riding around forever and to our advantage we found Dakota, Taylor, Clayton and a bunch of other people at Dakota's Pizza Place, at first we started out with dancing in the middle of the street with cars passing by and honking, then we started to run around the square and hide from cops, and last but not least we went into the laundry matt, and decided to jump on tables and take funny pictures. This picture is a picture I will never forget, where a group of random people decided to make a boring lame night, not so boring. (:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Itch He couldn't Scratch! :))

It was the beginning of summer, I was very excited to go riding my horse "Striiker." I spent hours getting everything ready to go ride him out in the country, I brushed him, fed him, watered him, and spent what seemed like hours on putting his settle on him. Once it got around to the time to get on him, he took off running towards the fence and wouldn't budge one bit. Tugging and tugging on him he was steady against the fence, not moving an inch. With curiosity I walked around to watch him for a moment, then I noticed my poor horse had a rash on his butt, and he had been rubbing it against the fence to keep it from itching. With a couple of weeks of ointment and antibiotics he had became the same old horse, I had always knew, but never will I ever forget the day he was scratching his booty on the fence! (:

Monday, February 6, 2012

She thinks we're just fishing..

Have you ever endured fishing with a relative or friend?
Whether it's fishing, bowling, running, walking, or simply watching tv. Bonding time is a natural way of becoming closer. It was 5 in the afternoon, on a gorgeous summer day. It had felt like the end of time sitting on the rocks trying to catch a fish. Alone with my dad sitting next to me, we decide to talk and kill time. While sitting and laughing, We talked about cars, houses and better yet boys. With a tugging on the fish wire, we both get up rapidly. "Dad" I yell. "Help Me," after what seemed like hours of agonizing tugging, we finally catch our 3 foot fish. Smiling and laughing we look at each other and say "This sure does beat watching tv, doesn't it?." Now that I've been fishing and had bonding time all at once, I get very excited every time my dad asks "Do you want to go fishing?" (:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mhmn! :)

Sight- Recently Developed House.
Touch- Stroke of my silky hair.
Sound- The loud sound of the booming thunder.
Taste- the superior taste of chicken fried rice.
Smell- of the amazing Paris Hilton perfume.

Monday, January 23, 2012


In my own opinion it is very very hard to forgive, but in order to be forgiven you have to forgive. That saying is a really good saying, I would use that in my everyday life, because everyone deserves to be forgiven and given another chance because not everyone is perfect.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fly on the wall! :)

I would like to be a fly on the wall when my parents talk about "Grown Up" stuff. I'm the type of person that likes to be nosy and know what's going on, and when I don't know whats going on, that's when I wish I was a fly on the wall.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


If I could have a Utopia, I would want it to be located on a huge island with nothing but the ocean surrounding the entire place. It would be ruled by committee that would have to be fun, clean and of course they would have to have respect for one another. It would in other words be a free country that anybody could live in as long as they don't steal, commit adultery and kill one another. The rules would be No killing, No committing adultery, No being dirty, (We don't need nasty rodents). Respecting one another and last but not least, you would have to work to be able to provide you and your family. This place would be called "Carlise"(: