Monday, January 30, 2012

Mhmn! :)

Sight- Recently Developed House.
Touch- Stroke of my silky hair.
Sound- The loud sound of the booming thunder.
Taste- the superior taste of chicken fried rice.
Smell- of the amazing Paris Hilton perfume.

Monday, January 23, 2012


In my own opinion it is very very hard to forgive, but in order to be forgiven you have to forgive. That saying is a really good saying, I would use that in my everyday life, because everyone deserves to be forgiven and given another chance because not everyone is perfect.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fly on the wall! :)

I would like to be a fly on the wall when my parents talk about "Grown Up" stuff. I'm the type of person that likes to be nosy and know what's going on, and when I don't know whats going on, that's when I wish I was a fly on the wall.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


If I could have a Utopia, I would want it to be located on a huge island with nothing but the ocean surrounding the entire place. It would be ruled by committee that would have to be fun, clean and of course they would have to have respect for one another. It would in other words be a free country that anybody could live in as long as they don't steal, commit adultery and kill one another. The rules would be No killing, No committing adultery, No being dirty, (We don't need nasty rodents). Respecting one another and last but not least, you would have to work to be able to provide you and your family. This place would be called "Carlise"(: