Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drug Awarness Week! :)

The first thing I learned yesterday was to never do steroids because it does major harm to you and your body causing Kidney failure, heart failure, and much much more.

The second thing I learned was to never text, call, or take your eyes off the road because in a split second you could cause a horrible crash, or cause someone to get seriously hurt, and killed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

She's gotta go! :)

In my opinion, I would lock up Lindsay Lohan in prison for a long long time!. She had enough chances and I don't think she should get treated any different than regular people just because she was "Famous". In the world today it's like if your famous you can get away with murder but if your not then you would get sentenced to life.! In this case if your dumb enough to do the crime your gonna have to do the time!.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I ❤ Halloween! :)

I would have to say my favorite Halloween Memory would be last year, when me, Valerie, Helen, Dakota, Natalie and a few others went tepeen  peoples houses. It was so fun because when we were tepeen someones house they came out and started chasing us!
My favorite ghost story would have to be about the Llorona! It's about beautiful woman named Maria, who drowns her children in order to be with the man she loves. When the man rejects her she kills herself and is said to pick up disobeying children.

Here are the funniest jokes I've heard or read this past year.
1. Why didn't the Skeleton cross the road? because he didn't have the guts
2.What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? Hoblin Goblin 
3. What do you get when you cross a black cat and a lemon? a sour puss!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Legacy!✯(:

I would want my legacy to be remembered by trying my best to do good in school to go to college, to save peoples lives. I would like people to remember me for my fun, happy, outspoken and great sense of style!(: and I would like to be remembered as a hard worker. I will make sure that my legacy happens because I'm gonna work very hard to make sure it happens. I think I was put on this Earth to let people know how it is, and to teach people how to work hard and stay determined.(:

Monday, October 3, 2011

The worst food ever invented!

The worst food ever invented would have to be Vegetable Casserole!. The vile vegetables and obnoxious combination makes it intolerable to eat. The texture of the casserole was just mucky and disgusting. The taste just makes it even more unsatisfying. The color and the look of the casserole just isn't what i would eat because i don't like vegetables at all, it makes me gag just thinking about someone eating it.