Thursday, October 20, 2011

I ❤ Halloween! :)

I would have to say my favorite Halloween Memory would be last year, when me, Valerie, Helen, Dakota, Natalie and a few others went tepeen  peoples houses. It was so fun because when we were tepeen someones house they came out and started chasing us!
My favorite ghost story would have to be about the Llorona! It's about beautiful woman named Maria, who drowns her children in order to be with the man she loves. When the man rejects her she kills herself and is said to pick up disobeying children.

Here are the funniest jokes I've heard or read this past year.
1. Why didn't the Skeleton cross the road? because he didn't have the guts
2.What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? Hoblin Goblin 
3. What do you get when you cross a black cat and a lemon? a sour puss!