Friday, December 16, 2011

Ho Ho Ho! :)

Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl this year, and i would like to get a new car for christmas!.
I know its asking for alot, but i'd rather have something i can use forever, instead of something i will just use for a little while, like a ipod, or ipad or laptop.! :)
Please & Thank you Santa! i would really appreciate it a whole bunch!
-Love Carla A :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

1000 ways to DIE! :)

My ole' time favorite show would have to be "1000 Ways to Die", It is my favorite show on Spike because there are some dumb people in the world that you never knew would think would die over a stupid reason. They do the most random stuff and get killed for doing stuff they aren't supposed to. The reason it is my favorite show is because it gives you hints to never and I repeat Never do stupid stuff just out of stupidity because you will die.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


It was just last week when I felt my worse pain. Getting my wisdom teeth extracted have had to be the most traumatic feeling I have ever felt!, I was miserable for about a whole week consuming nothing but fluids for what seemed like ages, and i am still going through my tender stage lured by painful soreness.

Vivid Adj- Red
Vivid Verbs- Pink

The best invention Ever!

The best invention ever invented would have to be the "Television". Without the T.V. you wouldn't be able to watch your favorite shows, sports and even news. Without Television, You would have nothing to do, you would sit around and have to twiddle your thumbs, So in my world, the television is a good invention. (:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

70's! :)

If I could go back into any era, I would go back to the 70's! I would go love to go back to that era because they had a lot of fun, and when they got into trouble it seemed like nobody cared because everybody seemed like they just wanted nothing but peace. I also loved the way they dressed in hip hiphuggers and long sleeved shirts with tie dye. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Death in the air!

We were out there so far away to get away to have fun and fish and just kill time. While the whales tried to eat us, the only thing that was going through my mind was adrenaline as everything was happening.
I wasn't worried, but Helen and Mayra were freaking out screaming "I don't wanna Die!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

My super Power! :)

If my best friend was in prison, I would go visit her and give her a spoon and tell her to dig her way out of there..hahaha just kidding. If my bestfriend was in prison for something she didn't do I would use my invisibility powers to shut off all the lights, and unlock the cell so she could get out! and then drive away in my invisible car, using my shield power to block my friend from any bullets when they try to shoot at us. (:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drug Awarness Week! :)

The first thing I learned yesterday was to never do steroids because it does major harm to you and your body causing Kidney failure, heart failure, and much much more.

The second thing I learned was to never text, call, or take your eyes off the road because in a split second you could cause a horrible crash, or cause someone to get seriously hurt, and killed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

She's gotta go! :)

In my opinion, I would lock up Lindsay Lohan in prison for a long long time!. She had enough chances and I don't think she should get treated any different than regular people just because she was "Famous". In the world today it's like if your famous you can get away with murder but if your not then you would get sentenced to life.! In this case if your dumb enough to do the crime your gonna have to do the time!.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I ❤ Halloween! :)

I would have to say my favorite Halloween Memory would be last year, when me, Valerie, Helen, Dakota, Natalie and a few others went tepeen  peoples houses. It was so fun because when we were tepeen someones house they came out and started chasing us!
My favorite ghost story would have to be about the Llorona! It's about beautiful woman named Maria, who drowns her children in order to be with the man she loves. When the man rejects her she kills herself and is said to pick up disobeying children.

Here are the funniest jokes I've heard or read this past year.
1. Why didn't the Skeleton cross the road? because he didn't have the guts
2.What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? Hoblin Goblin 
3. What do you get when you cross a black cat and a lemon? a sour puss!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Legacy!✯(:

I would want my legacy to be remembered by trying my best to do good in school to go to college, to save peoples lives. I would like people to remember me for my fun, happy, outspoken and great sense of style!(: and I would like to be remembered as a hard worker. I will make sure that my legacy happens because I'm gonna work very hard to make sure it happens. I think I was put on this Earth to let people know how it is, and to teach people how to work hard and stay determined.(:

Monday, October 3, 2011

The worst food ever invented!

The worst food ever invented would have to be Vegetable Casserole!. The vile vegetables and obnoxious combination makes it intolerable to eat. The texture of the casserole was just mucky and disgusting. The taste just makes it even more unsatisfying. The color and the look of the casserole just isn't what i would eat because i don't like vegetables at all, it makes me gag just thinking about someone eating it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Music Music Music! (:

1."The kind of music i enjoy is Up beat country or up beat R&B"2.My favorite country artist would be Carrie Underwood and my favorite R&B artist would be Nikki Minaj!3. My favorite all time song is Amen! by Eden's Edge(: 
4. My least favorite song is handle bars and my least favorite artist is The Flobots 5. My parents listen to Spanish music. I approve sometimes but other times i don't because they sing to fast for me to understand it. My parents approve of some of my music but not all of it because they say its way to fast to listen to.(:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Have we gone insane?

In today's Society, it's like we have no morals, back then when we were little we used to watch shows like the Power Puff Girls, and  The Power Rangers. They were shows that any child could watch because they were just innocent shows made just for children. Sponge bob on the other hand is ridiculous. Just think of how many horrible things you see on Tv now a days!. You see sex, drugs, alcohol and you hear vulgar language! Don't get me wrong i love Sponge Bob but i don't think it's right for little kids to watch it because it has words that are way more mature then you'd ever expect, they might not notice it now but once they grow up they will understand the true meaning of it all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

&& We're Still Standing! :)

Its been 10 years since the 9-11 happened and although they killed a lot of people, Some people never lost hope. I put this picture on my blog because it represents how many people took their time to put up these flags and much honor our country has for all the people who died in the horrible tragedy.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Favorite Activities(:❤

The very best activity i enjoy to do is band. I enjoy to do band because you get to play music, hang out with friends, and watch the foot ball game all at the same time. I wasn't very interested in band at first but i gave it a chance and i actually liked it. The 2nd activity i like to do is ride around with friends and have a good time and enjoy life while i can. Last but not least i enjoy to travel!, i love being in the car, and traveling for endless hours. It gives you the chance to see new places and enjoy the different weather. (:

Friday, September 2, 2011

1st week & im ready for it to be over.. (:

The 1st day of school was a drag, I no longer have fun classes and it seems like I don't ever see anyone anymore. Since school started I've had homework everyday! and it seems like these class periods drag on and on. Getting to see my friends at school is okay but I'd rather have the same classes I had last year because my classes were so fun! especially Mrs.Waters English class. When I was in Mrs. Waters class I always looked forward to that class period because we could be who we were and just have fun and learn at the same time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

School's almost oUT! :)

Well for the first, The hardest thing that i encountered this year was trying 2 keep at least a 70 average in Algebra.. For the second, the easiest thing i encountered was coming to school everyday..and Third the funniest thing that happened this year was having a highlighter fight in Mrs. Water's 5th Period class, that's my favorite class, and last but not least i actually don't think i have to take the semester test because i haven't got into trouble this sumester.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?

If i could be on any game show or if i could be any game show, i would have to choose "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader", it is awesome how kids these days know so much more than parents do when it comes to books. It's unbelievable how much we learn in our time, it helps us prepare for what life has in store for us.

Monday, April 11, 2011

So Scareyy!

tangible means perceptible by touch a fear that you can touch, I'm not really afraid of anything but if i was scared of anything it would probably be getting stuck in a box, because I'm pretty sure I'm claustrophobic.! I would also be scared of getting buried alive, i would go psycho in there. && My intangible fear would to be to let the person i care for most fail, because we all know that really suckss.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Meaning of My Name :)

1. What does the Q in Q-tip stand for? 
A "Q" in Q-Tip stands for Quality, they are used in everyday life and to keep your ears clean.
2. What is your first and middle name? What do they mean? Do you know the reason your parents c
hose that name? My First and Middle name is Carla.Danielle. Carla means "Free spirited, Smart, Free woman, and strong. Danielle means "God is my judge". I was named after my uncles Wife Karla, she's and she's really nice and she likes to help out the needy like me..haha just kidding. (:

3. Just like the Q-Tip, think of three items that have a strange name. Why do you think they are strange for this particular item? 

ipod is a weird name because really what is the "I" really for? and COLUMELLA NASI - The bottom part of the nose between the nostrils..Who would of ever known that?. FEAT - A dangling curl of hair.. we would just call it a strip of your hair is hanging out..haha

Monday, March 28, 2011

PoWeR Girl Rockk!✯ :)

If i can have two powers i would have the power to read peoples minds to know what they are thinking and to have the power to be invisible that way i can be nosy in other peoples conversations that im not supposed to be listening to :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

If Children Ruled! :)

I think if children ruled the world our world would be one horrendous place. We would have enjoyable play time but there wouldn't be enough time to do "Big Kid" stuff. Our world now is ok, but if we had children run around everyday because a 3 year old ruled, it would be a disaster like it sorta is now, But the main point is if we had a 3 year old rule the world, i don't think anyone would want to even be on this world everyone would probably run away or get sent "Else Where".

Monday, March 7, 2011

My room :)

The things i'm proudest of in my room are gonna have to be the delightful things people draw & give me and the monstrous stuffed animals i have in the corner of my wall. Another thing im totally in love with is the lustrous pictures that are scattered through out my room with the appealing colors of my Baby blue, pink, purple and lime green walls with my grand cheetah and zebra comforter.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Cicada :)

If i could be any bug i would be the Cicada :) They leave awesome outer shells and make the funniest noises, that would scare away many people. The shedding of the cicada's are the coolest shells that in my opinion are the coolest shedding around #1 before the snake shedding.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Princess Diana! :)

If i could give advice to anybody, i would give advice to Princess Diana. I would of gave her the advice to not go in the tunnel and crash and die, No one deserves to die and she  as a matter of fact didn't deserve to die, she was a good person that had children and helped the needy and she did not have a reason to die.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Black History Month! :)

Imagine, fighting for your independence for hundreds of years and laboring with no exceptions. i think black history month should stay the same, its been that way since anybody can remember. So why should we change it now?, Black history month is something that the native americans had to work for hundreds of years to get, so why should we ruin that just for our selfish needs?, getting up at the crack of dawn everyday laboring in the fields was not anything anybody wanted 2 do, but they had no choice!, so in my opinion i think we should leave the black history month alone, because no one ever had to work for their independence like they did..

-Carla Arreola*<3

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Techno! :)

i really don't think we need anymore technology than we already have,, we have the privilege to use computers everyday for educational purposes and everything else we could think of.. But if we didn't have them i think we could at least have a room for computers to use to do research. Thanks to our School We have the privilege to have our own computers until we graduate.

Ipads & funn! :)

The most fun app on the ipad would be snake, its a fun game that you play using the ipad to move around. The most disturbing app would have to the the gun app, pretending to shoot anyone in its path!. I understand if you wanna have a little fun with the ipod or ipad, but seriously pretending to shoot someone is just a horrible app ever invented.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's not fair! >;(

$400,000 a Year, that would sound like a dream, but to the President thats nothing, Tiger woods makes way more dough than he does, at a $110 million a year Tiger Woods could get anything in the world he pleases. My opinion would be i think The president should get paid more than anybody in the world, because of the fact he is the main point we have laws and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have health care & Insurance.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mexicoo! Ehh!

It's like it was just yesterday when Mexico was like any other state, violent free, drug free and just as usual as ever, but in the past year or so. President Felipe Calderon has made some changes to help keep his people safe. La Familia Drug Cartel has been the main cause of the killing and demolishment in the world's history, Drugs are being shipped to New Mexico every day (Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Heroin). This might be hard to believe but ever since Felipe Calderon became president 28,000 people have been killed. The main provider in most of these killings would be the UNITED STATES providing the guns. in my own opinion i wouldn't wanna live in Mexico, and if i had to i would want a new president and new laws to make me feel safe.